IET Certified Instructor, Practitioner

In a nutshell, I’m just a girl that loves life and horses!  For as long as I can remember, horses have been an inherent part of my life. In early childhood, I had a Welsh Arab named Baby Travs (who was the best babysitter a young girl could ask for); he and I grew up together.  He taught me about responsibility, respect & care for animals, as well as care for myself.  Then as a teen, my lovely girl Babe, an off the track quarter horse mare, trotted into my life.  She required health care that conventional medicine could not provide, which commenced my journey into the world of holistic healing.  For over twenty years, I have pursued knowledge, experiences and education that would embody the practices of bringing healing to animals and people alike –  healing of the body, heart, mind and spirit.  It is in these life adventures that my soul finds its greatest fulfillment!
My passion runs deep for improving the health and wellness of my four legged friends.  In 2008, I earned my certification in equine and canine sports massage. Subsequently, I enrolled at The American College of Healthcare Sciences, where I studied anatomy and physiology, holistic nutrition and herbal medicine.  In 2011, I pursued additional education in the medical field and became a Registered Radiologic Technologist, where I worked at the VA Medical Center in Minneapolis and at an Orthopedic Clinic for 11 years.  Performing X-rays and assisting in additional imaging modalities gave me a keen perspective into the biological innerworkings of our own human bodies, and subsequently our animal friends – being reminded how similar all living beings are.  Unexpectedly, a few years ago, I experienced a workplace back injury.   For many months, I found myself getting lost in the system of conventional medicine and my health was deteriorating.  It was apparent that I needed to supplement my care with holistic options, at my own expense, which included the expertise of an acupuncturist, energy healing medicine, a craniosacral therapist and a chiropractor.   I was so encouraged by the results of my own holistic care journey that it solidified my intuitive drive to bring that equivalent level of care to help animals and others in a similar manner.  This is what lead me to Tom Mayes Integrated Equine Therapies… and like the popular expression goes, mi casa es su casa (my house is your house), my knowledge is your knowledge.  I want to share the knowledge I have gained through IET, my intuitive skillsets, my heart with your heart.  So, here I am, just a girl who loves her life journey with horses. I can’t wait to be a part of your journey!

Royalton, Minnesota